Monday, December 30, 2019

What Was Your Weirdest Interview Experience

What Was Your Weirdest bewerberinterview ExperienceWhat Was Your Weirdest Interview Experience?What Was Your Weirdest Interview ExperienceMost of us have experienced something weird in a job interview, either a question that came out of the interviewers backside or some personality quirk that was just odd. Or maybe the whole interview was bizarre.Hiring managers have more than enough stories about weird behavior from job candidates, but sometimes theyre just as guilty themselves. Here are four weird interview scenarios Ive either read about, heard about, or experiencedThe I Cant Seem to Grab His Attention Syndrome. The interviewer makes eye contact with you only about 10% of the time because hes too busy picking lint off his jacket, playing with his tie, or tapping away on his laptop.The Multi-Tasking Interviewer. Youre there because youre interested in a job. Shes eating lunch and checking her email while trying to determine whether youre a good fit for the job.The Idiotic Interroga tion. After reviewing your resume and highlighting a few points, the hiring manager questions your judgment with something like Why did you take such an awful job with an equally awful company? Or, You were at this place for a year and at that place for two years. Do you have a problem with commitment?The Question That Comes out of Left Field. Something like How many blades of grass are in left field at Fenway Park? (pun intended), or Why are manhole covers round?

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Intention Is the Third Stage in Managing Change

absicht Is the Third Stage in Managing ChangeIntention Is the Third Stage in Managing ChangeIn the Intention Stage, the change agents and senior managers weigh the strategies and alternatives available to move the needed changes forward in the organization. They decide upon a specific course of action that will bring about change. They formulate a vision for the organization. The Intention Stage ends with the selection of an approach for moving the organization through to make the changes needed. The options in change management strategies and tactics are also considered. Strategies that will accomplish the approach are also determined. Up to this point, youve done a lot of thoughtful consideration of the problems your organization faces. Youve identified the need to make changes. And, youve considered the options that you have for the change and making the change. If youre following the recommended course of action thus far, you have also assessed the readiness and the willingness o f the employees in your organization to pursue the course of action and the needed changes. Stage 3 Intention In the Intentions Stage, change agents, senior leaders, and managers must do all of the following to ensure success. Assess the impact of suggested solutions and improvements on the organization.If you are using an external consultant, assure that the organizations goals and needs are clearly understood and agreed upon in a written contract.Make sure that the appropriate people are involved from across the organization and that their input is considered, and when sensible, implemented.Involve as many people as appropriate and possible so that you are developing buy-in and support on the front end. This is far superior to dragging your employees kicking and screaming after the changes have been put in place- kicking and screaming isnt pretty and it can undermine the chances of your changes succeeding. And, employee resistance can undermine everything because resistance ca n even reach a point where employees are actively sabotaging the effectiveness of the changes. Consider additional strategies and methods for initiation and implementation to further reduce employee resistance to change.Examine the goals and direction of critical people and work units to assess the degree of conflict likely to arise and result from the selected solutions and strategies to accomplish it.Explore organization development and training options to assist with the next three stages of change.Inform employees about the selection process, the alternatives considered, why alternative solutions were rejected, and the rationale for deciding on the selected approach. The mora you communicate with employees before you implement the changes, the more involved and committed they are likely to feel and act. You need to avoid the appearance and mistake of doing something to them- instead, create changes with them. Make sure that employees feel compensated, rewarded, and recognized fo r the extra time and effort that they expended in the evaluation process. You need to pay attention to this at every stage of a change process.Make sure that the senior members of the management team are onboard and supporting the need to change. In fact, this is a very important group to have by your side asyou implement any changes in your organization. If they dont support the changes, they will undermine and may even sabotage your efforts tomove the needed changes forward. They have too much influence over too many people if they are not on your change team. As many executives implementing change in their organizations have noted, their biggest mistake welches allowing the members of the senior team to undermine their change efforts for way too long before firing them. If they dont quickly come on board, they wont. You can trust this fact. Greg Scheesele, when leading a change effort at Pall Gelman Sciences Corporation said, I gave my senior team about eighteen months to get on board. It was my biggest mistake. I should have known within 30-60 days who would support our changes. Decide which of the suggested solutions will best address the problems you have identified.Create and broadly share an energizing, inspiring vision of the future state to create widespread support for the change.Decide where and when to start. Determine whether you will be more successful starting in a single work unit or department to run a pilot or if youd be better off diving right in and involving the whole organization. See the six stages in change management. More Related to Change Management Build Support for Effective Change ManagementChange Management TipsChange Management Wisdom

Saturday, December 21, 2019

3 ways to test your startup idea before investing money

3 ways to test your startup idea before investing money3 ways to test your startup idea before investing moneyAs an entrepreneur, failure is part of the process. Not every business concept or product design will be a winner.The key is to spot the duds quickly, so you can focus your time and money on the ideas that have the most potential.But even though weve all heard the advice to fail fast, its hard to find actionable strategies for actually doing it.How can you determine if theres demand for your product or service, before investing the time and money to create it?After starting five businesses, Ive discovered three simple tests you can use to get started.1. Look for search trafficA quick, easy way to see if theres demand for your idea is to find out whether people are searching for it on Google.Obviously, they wont be searching for your exact brand name, but are they looking for a similar solution?You can find out with tools like SEMrush (which offers a free trial) or Ahrefs (whi ch I used to pull the numbers below).For example, maybe youre a foodie whos passionate about animal welfare, and you want to start mass-producing your vegan cheese recipe.Sure enough, the keywords vegan cheese reportedly get searched 34,000 times per month.Or maybe youre a software developer interested in creating an easy-to-use alternative to Photoshop.It appears that 3,700 people per month are searching for photoshop alternative.3,000 more are searching for alternative to photoshop. And 2,700 people are searching for best photoshop alternative.Are these numbers good or bad? It will be up to you to interpret the data for your specific idea and business model.Either way, this strategy is a chance to peer into the collective mind of the market, so you can see what people are looking for and what words they use to describe it.2. Look for competitorsWhile amateurs often view existing competitors as a bad omen, more experienced entrepreneurs are happy not to be the first mover.Why? Succ essful competitors are proof that demand exists.These early entrants have already done the risky work of validating the idea. Now all you have to do is compete.You can offer the product in a new location, market it to a new group of people, or differentiate based on features or price to carve out market share.The food delivery service space is a perfect example.After watching early movers like Seamless and Grubhub succeed, established companies confidently followed with their own food delivery apps.Leveraging its foodie customer base, Yelp purchased Eat24.Uber applied its successful driver model to meals and launched UberFRESH (which was later renamed UberEats).And payment platform Square acquired Caviar, giving restaurants a simple way to accept payments and deliver meals.Why did so many big companies venture into a space that already had established competitors?Demand was proven. So they looked for ways to differentiate and compete.3. Test your marketing copy on targeted prospects While this point might seem obvious, its also nuanced.Heres a quick breakdown.TestYour goal is not to see whether people think your idea is neat. Your goal is to learn whether they would be willing to pay for the product or service youre offering.your marketing copyWhen most entrepreneurs want feedback on a new idea, they get on the phone or meet a friend for coffee and have a conversation.Although this is fine for a first step, you wont normally be selling to such a patient audience.In buchung for a product to generate demand, its best if the value is quickly obvious to customers.Try to communicate your idea in 30 seconds or less. Or consider writing it down.Then, after your prospect has experienced the offer, gauge their interest and answer questions.on targeted prospectsYour mom may love your idea, but is she your target customer?Try to get feedback from unbiased people who you think could benefit from your product or service.The good news is, if your product or service truly sol ves a deeply felt problem, your target customers will be the people most excited to hear about it.Doing your due diligence can help you succeed fasterDue diligence is crucial in entrepreneurship because it helps you avoid losing time, money, relationship capital, and confidence on a bad idea.The three tests Ive shared are quick, simple ways to help you jumpstart that process. Obviously, there are more tests you can run. And its certainly possible for an idea that fails one of these checks to ultimately succeed.These evaluations dont guarantee success or eliminate risk, but they give you more data, empowering you to invest your time and money more intelligently.And that puts you in a position to reach your goals faster.Kyle Youngis helping creative people achieve big goals that matter.

Monday, December 16, 2019

25% of women sexually harassed tell employers. Heres why theyre afraid

25% of women sexually harassed tell employers. Heres why theyre afraid25% of women sexually harassed tell employers. Heres why theyre afraidOn May 30, a grand jury indicted Harvey Weinstein on charges he raped one woman and forced another to perform oral sex on him. And new allegations and lawsuits against the movie producer continue to pile up.Since the earliest reports of his abuse came out in October, scores of women in Hollywood have taken to social media and shared their own stories of sexual assault and harassment by Weinstein. And thanks to the MeToo movement, women in a range of professions have also found their voices heard, helping topple dozens of other once-powerful men in entertainment, media, sports, business, politics and the judiciary.But a question MeToo has been asking since the beginning is how will this affect the lives of women far from the high-powered worlds of Hollywood and Washington. Is this making it any easier for a low or mid-wage worker in middle America to rid her workplace of a sexual harasser?One important way of doing this is by making an official complaint to the employer. But while women will often complain to family or even on social media, most dont tell their companies of the misconduct. In fact, barely 1 in 4 ever do.How come?Based on experience litigating sexual harassment cases as well as my research, I have determined there are three legal barriers that stand in the way of workers filing complaints a critical step to rooting out harassment and protecting employees.Few formally complainAbout 30 percent of U.S. workers who experience sexual harassment informally talk about it with someone at the company, such as a manager or union representative, while far fewer lodge formal complaints, according to a 2016 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report. In addition, 75 percent of those who do formally complain say they face retaliation.This is one reason for the success of MeToo. Its providing the kind of effective sexu al harassment complaint forum that employees do not believe they have in their workplace.Besides a fear of reprisal, the EEOC report cites several other reasons why employees usually dont come forward, such as concern that they wont be believed or the company training manual didnt explain how to properly identify or address sexual harassment.This is a big problem because if employees who have been sexually harassed dont file formal complaints with their companies without suffering retaliation it is nearly impossible for employers to take action against the harasser or protect the worker. Furthermora, it becomes hard to hold an employer legally responsible if it fails to do either.So while its positive that more women are sharing their own stories on social media and elsewhere, it cant replace the formal employee complaint process.Three barriersOne barrier is that courts have too narrowly defined sexual harassment when it involves a hostile work environment under Title VII of the C ivil Rights Act of 1964. Its only deemed illegal when it involves unwelcome sexual conduct sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the employees employment conditions. Courts have erected three legal hurdles that discourage employees from filing complaints about sexual harassment.Employees often dont complain because they fear they wont be believed that the harassment was sufficiently severe or pervasive enough to be legally actionable.And who can blame them? One court found that a manager rubbing the shoulders, back and hand of an employee, accusing her of not wanting to be one of my girls while physically grabbing her, calling her baby doll and telling her she should be in bed with him were not sufficiently severe or pervasive.These actions can be harmful and place women as subordinate in the workplace and, unregulated, lead to even more harmful actions. As such, I believe courts need to stop finding such misconduct as ordinary or de minimus a legal term meaning too trivial or minor to merit consideration.Another hurdle is that employers have been largely shielded from liability when an employee complains of a hostile work environment that fosters sexual harassment. Thats because in 1998 the U.S. Supreme Court gave employers a powerful defense in such cases.Specifically, if a company exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any sexually harassing behavior and the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities, the employer would not be liable even though the worker was, in fact, sexually harassed.Under this defense, courts have found that if an employer has an anti-sexual harassment policy, and the employee doesnt complain, the employer generally wont be found liable. This sounds reasonable, right?Unfortunately, some employer policies meet the bare legal requirements while doing little to eradicate sexual harassment or encourage complaints by workers. And without effective training about sexua l harassment and how to complain about it, employers policies stating zero tolerance for sexual harassment are meaningless.Finally, I believe the laws punishing retaliation are not strong enough.Taking sexual harassment seriously means employers should not fire, demote or ostracize a worker who complains about sexual harassment as they often do. And while the law on the books purportedly protects complainants, courts have told workers that the protection is only for those who reasonably believe they were illegally sexually harassed.This puts women back in the gray area of determining what is severe or pervasive. As I noted above, a manager rubbed an employees body, called her baby doll and expressed a desire to have sex with her. If thats not deemed to be sexual harassment, how can employees complain with confidence that they will be protected?Its time to toughen lawsWhat can be done about this?The good news is that Congress is already considering changes to sexual harassment law.Fo r example, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Lindsey Graham have introduced a bill to permit sexually harassed workers to litigate their cases in open court rather than be bound by private arbitration. The laudatory bill would prevent employers from keeping harassment or harassers secret from other workers.But I believe lawmakers should go further by amending Title VII to expand and clarify what sexual harassment really is beyond severe or pervasive, strengthen worker protections against retaliation and require employers to create more effective policies and training.The EEOC and other researchers have identified innovative methods to address sexual harassment, such as a reward system for increased complaints, promoting more women, bystander intervention and civility training. Congress should pay attention and encourage these methods while also toughening existing law.Inspired by MeToo, Congress could help eradicate sexual harassment.Margaret E. Johnson, Professor of Law and Co-Director, Center on Applied Feminism, University of BaltimoreThis article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Become an Aircraft Mechanic

How to Become an Aircraft MechanicHow to Become an Aircraft MechanicAircraft maintenance technicians (zunfts) are responsible for performing repairs, preventative and routine maintenance on all types of aircraft and helicopters. FAA certified aircraft mechanics (also called Airframe Powerplant mechanics, or AP mechanics) are in high demand. The military, airlines, government, and many other companies are hiring aircraft mechanics. Aircraft maintenance technicians need specific training, an eye for detail, and a basic understanding of how things work. And they bear a large amount of responsibility when it comes to maintaining and inspecting aircraft for service, so being professional and diligent is important for aircraft mechanics. Prospective aircraft mechanics can go to a technical school or receive on-the-job training to become an AMT.An AMT student can choose to be an Airframe or Powerplant mechanic, or both. An AP mechanic can also work on avionics with the appropriate training and can move up to become an inspector authorization (IA). Similar to apilots training, an AMT must pass an FAA written exam, as well as the accompanying oral and practical exams. Authorized inspectors and avionics technicians require additional training and testing. The time required to become an aircraft mechanic is usually one to five years or more. Meet the Prerequisites If youre considering a career as an AP mechanic, you will need to be able to read, write, speak and understand English, and you must be at least 18 years old. You must graduate from an FAA-approved school for maintenance or gain at least 18 months of on-the-job experience working on either Airframes or Powerplants, or to get both certifications, at least 30 months of experience on both airframes and power plants. Finally, all applicants for an AP certificate must satisfactorily pass the FAAs written, oral and practical exams. Enter a Training Program There are three basic routes you can take for AMT tr aining Attend and graduate from one of the FAA-approved AMT training schools. These schools usually offer the full package, including the Airframe Powerplant certification and avionics training.If the formal education environment isnt for you, consider an on-the-job training program, where you complete a minimum of 18 months of training under the supervision of a qualified mechanic for either the Airframe or Powerplant Certificate. For both the AP certifications, you would complete 30 months of training under the supervision of a qualified mechanic. Many AMTs originate from the military. Military experience is looked highly upon in the civilian world, and the training is paid. Many people find that earning a paycheck while serving their country is a fulfilling way of life. The FAA gives service members credit for time spent in certain occupational specialties that involve aviation maintenance. Colleges and other AMT training programs will give credit for military service as an avia tion mechanic, as well. Take the Required Tests The Written Exams There are three possible written exams the AMT-General Test, the AMT-Airframe Test, and the AMT-Powerplant Test. The General test is 60 questions. The Airframe and Powerplant tests are each 100 questions. All tests are multiple-choice and allow 2 hours for completion. A 70 percent or better score is required to pass all of the tests.The Practical Test To demonstrate to the FAA that you have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be an AMT, you must pass a practical test made up of both an oral portion (discussion) and a practical portion (demonstration). A test must be done for each certification requested (the General, Airframe or Powerplant Certificate) and each test takes approximately eight hours. The test is given by an FAA Designated Examiner and includes 43 subject areas.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Things You Should Know About Caretaker Resume

Things You Should Know About Caretaker Resume The Tried and True Method for Caretaker Resume in Step by Step Detail Though the work seeker has over six decades of expertise, and it has worked in three or more positions, her resume is only a single page long. For instance, you might attempt to send out a particular number of resumes weekly. If youve only been a caregiver for a couple decades, its okay to list work in different fields in your Experience section to prove that youve been steadily employed for the previous 15 decades or so. You could also check babysitter resumes. Our resume examples offer inspiration, but more importantly guidance on the best way to structure and compose the elements. Among the things you will find from browsing several diverse kinds of caretaker resume samples is there are certain sections which every caretaker resume needs to include. Its great if youre able to add a few references to your resume. Observing these very simple formatting guide s will raise the organization and clarity of your writing. The Importance of Caretaker Resume Caregivers will usually work in a patients house and help with quite a few tasks. They serve a key role in the health care industry. They come in all forms, and while some may think of a caregiver as a professional caretaker, many are actually everyday people caring for a loved one. To use my extensive expertise in disabled and elderly care in the part of a Caregiver. Now you have all you need to compose the ideal caregiver cover letter, you might want to provide a helping hand to your caregiver resume too While theres a substantial quantity of work involved with the caregiver field, unfortunately the salary isnt generally that high concerning each of the duties expected to be performed. Now, no matter the character of your caregiving job, you have to think of a good caregiver resume that could present you in the very best light possible. The job requires both strength and attention for handling the patients. Depending on the sort of institution or clients youll be working for, you might require certain certifications to acquire the job. Retail Management templates will supply you with a guide so it is possible to eliminate all of the guesswork involved. Retail managers are liable for the well being of workers, customers and general store sales. When preparing your resume objective, you want to show hiring managers more than only a list of what you would like in your next job. Caregivers have the correct training to provide the elderly the very best care possible. Building caretakers are responsible for looking after buildings and associated premises such as grounds. They are required to perform a lot more than just surveillance. The Little-Known Secrets to Caretaker Resume Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. It is crucial to use some keywords as stated in the work description. You read t he work description. Writing a resume can be an intimidating task. Medical leave can appear to be a difficult matter to explain, but nevertheless, it may be one of the simplest employment gap issues you are ever going to confront. Caretaker is a person who is employed to look after a thing, place, or person. In reality, you can acquire enough experience for a PCA resume in only a couple of days. The choice to look after family is a significant part of your own personal story and a window into your values but it does not need to define what happens next in your career In some instances, you can end up ill for a long period leaving you unable to do your job duties. The remainder of the resume should kooperation why youre able to fulfill the resume objectives.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Network with women tech leaders at top startups

Network with women tech leaders at top startups PowerToFly has partenered with some fast-growing San Francisco-based startups to present an evening of tech talks and networking for skilled professional women in tech. Come and enjoy a glass of wine with these impressive women tech leadersThis intimate, invite-only event will be held on Tuesday, May 21st from 6pm to 830pm at Monroe and will feature tech talks, product demos, an audience QA, and plenty of time to network with your peers over food and drinks. Be sure to RSVP today - space is limited Featured startups will includeGood Money is a banking platform owned by people in service of the planet. Of the profits Good Money makes, 50% is funneled toward the planet through impact investments and charitable donations. Good Money provides best-in-class mobile banking and empowers citizens to be part of a more equitable and transparent world. Banks are owned by bankers but Good Money is owned by you. OneLogin is the leader in Unified Acc ess Management, connecting people with technology through a simple and secure login. OneLogin serves businesses and partners across a multitude of industries, with over 2,500 customers worldwide and over 1 million users. One Medical is a membership-based practice focused on making quality care more accessible and enjoyable for all. No more waiting forever in stuffy waiting rooms, being rushed through appointments, or getting lost in the healthcare maze. One Medical is the fastest-growing primary care system in the country with over 70 locations nationwide in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Seattle, the San Francisco westindischer lorbeer Area, and Washington, DC.Agenda (Subject to Change)600pm - Check-In Networking over Food Drinks630pm - Event Kickoff from PowerToFly635pm - Tech Talks + Audience QA featuring women tech leaders from Good Money, OneLogin and One Medical725pm - Networking continues over Food DrinksThe night will include complimentary wine, non-alco holic beverages, food, fun swag, and a Lyft code to help you get home after the event. About our Events All attendees who RSVP are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. If you require assistance to fully participate in this event, please email, and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.Unfortunately, PowerToFly and its Partners cannot admit outside recruiters to this particular event. Please email if you have any questions about this policy.From Your Site Articles A Quick Recap of Our Recent Event in San Francisco - PowerToFly ... One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity , some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard geschftliches miteinander Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAn d demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Resear ch revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.